Saturday, January 29, 2011

2011's 1st outing/adventure?

Well at least I see it as an adventure.

Today was Elder Schallenberger's 21st birthday. And what, do you ask, does a missionary do on his 21st birthday? We go to Dennys of course! And he gets a free grand slam! I see no other way to have a birthday breakfast. Our waiter was a total weirdo though. Now I think I can say this because we've had him before and I don't know but theres something about him. Like he tries to be sarcastic but it just comes out as sounding truthful and mean. I should maybe take a picture of him next time. 
*here's the birthday boy making phone calls

*a group shot. I somehow tried to look really good today but totally failed.

While at breakfast I told Schally that we were going to San Diego to see my Annie and he said we should go see the "Mormon Battalion" Museum. It was actually one of my goals to go see this sometime this year. I didn't want to bore Annie with that but then I thought maybe she would like it. Umm... I think I was wrong about that. But anyways back to my San Diego adventure. 
We got to Annie's a little too early. She wasn't expecting us for another 2 hours but since we were up early we headed out early. Inez showed up to take her to breakfast but decided that we should all go to Old Town. So off we went. And when we got there, what did I see?

It was a sign. Literally. It was my goal to go there. It was an adventure. At least in my book it is. Whether I was going to like it or not was another question.

We ate at a restaurant called "Fred's." When we walked up I saw this beauty looking up at me...

An Elvis sighting! I know, I'm crazy and a little off topic. But I had to share this beautiful piece of art and my love for the King. OK, I know I already ate but I was craving guacamole something bad! I never eat it because the hubs is allergic to avocados. He doesn't mind if I eat them but I can't eat them fast enough. So they go bad and then there's more money down the drain. So I got a side of guacamole and it didn't satisfy the craving but it would have to do. I know now that it needed a hint of lime but I guess its too late right? Right.
After the meal we headed off down the street to walk around and look at all the cool stuff that "Old Town" had to offer. Everything I saw reminded me of my mom. Oh if only I was a millionaire. 
While we waited for Inez to shop, Annie and I took the opportunity for photo ops. 
After we parted ways with Inez, we walked.... and walked... and walked!!!! By the time we got to the museum, my calf was doing this weird twitchy/cramp thing. But anyways, WE MADE IT!!!!!

I'm gonna have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this. So awesome and insightful. I know, I know, cheesy Mormon activities but it was so awesome! And honestly I'm not just saying this. It started out with a movie (*which we missed all but the last 3 minutes.) Then there was a tour guide who did this cheesy but entertaining bit about us traveling from Nauvoo, Illinois to San Diego, California. We went into different rooms where there were films being played and "interactive" characters. I loved it. And at the end we got this souvenir photo to take home...

And after skimming over some artifacts, we got to go "gold panning."

OK, it wasn't real gold but a girl can dream right? I'm not too sure that Annie enjoyed herself as much as we did but I think she was humoring me. So needless to say that my feet were screaming by the end of our "Adventure" and we decided to head back to Annies place and relax. We asked each other questions and caught up on the missing parts of our lives. Today was such an awesome day. Adventures... watch out... because I will conquer you...

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